
We’re a ‘community First’ company

Lets delve into how XOOTS is built on the foundation of a community-first philosophy, shaping the future of work with a unique workforce model that offers flexibility, autonomy, and purpose to its members.

XOOTS is redefining the traditional workforce model by creating a network of highly skilled professionals who embrace portfolio careers. As a recommended network of product and tech experts, as well as industry CxOs, our community is built on referrals from individuals who share our values, principles, and commitment to actively contribute to the growth of the community, from platform development to expanding our network.

Our community-first approach sets us apart by prioritizing the development of a strong, value-driven community over a traditional company structure. This strategy attracts individuals seeking a sense of belonging, purpose, and a unique brand identity.

XOOTS is a decentralized, autonomous community that emphasizes sustainable product and engineering practices. We cater to a growing market segment of environmentally conscious individuals, aiming to create a positive impact on the societies in which we live. Our unique work experience prioritizes flexibility, autonomy, and stability, empowering community members to work from anywhere and choose initiatives that align with their passions and skills. This allows them to strike the perfect balance between work and life, focusing on meaningful and fulfilling initiatives.

We champion a community that values the freedom to build innovative products with outstanding teams, both remotely and in flexible work environments. The power of the community drives our approach to everything we do. We engage in early community interactions, iterating on our best ideas with input from our members to make them even better.

Our hiring process is also rooted in the community. Our open and transparent approach connects us with passionate, qualified individuals who join our team as co-founders or coworkers. Eventually, our community members become not only our shareholders but also our customers. We believe that the best answers and solutions come directly from our community.

We foresee a significant shift towards “portfolio freelancing” or “preelancing” which we believe will become an essential aspect of the future of work. This model provides an elastic and on-demand solution for companies, allowing them to quickly scale up or down according to their needs. By embracing a community-first approach, XOOTS is paving the way for a more flexible, autonomous, and purpose-driven workforce, transforming the way we work and live.

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